When mentioned watermark, it always comes to us the idea of a stamp, a note, or examination papers where the subtle mark is frequently used. Wikipedia defines watermark as a recognizable image or pattern in paper that appears as various shades of lightness/darkness when viewed by transmitted light. Simply, it is a common way to brand the paper and was originally designed to stop counterfeiting.
Watermark is also widely used in today's digital world. You can find them in photos, films and audio files as a form of copyright protection. But that is not all. Watermark can be as well used as a faded background photo, or a visible logo in a PowerPoint presentation. As a distinctive add-in, it makes the slideshow more attractive and authentic without taking any of the main focus. In addition, putting an overlay watermark on presentations that you want to deliver on line will identify them as your work and discourage others from unauthorized copying.
Then, how to add a watermark into PowerPoint presentation? Watermarks can be put into a presentation in various ways. But one of the best should probably be Moyea PPT to DVD Burner if you plan to publish the PowerPoint presentation on Web or TV.
Moyea PPT to DVD Burner, a powerful conversion program, is designed with the function of watermarking that allows adding a logo for the output video/DVD presentation. You can easily input a logo image for a PowerPoint file to convert when using the Logo feature in Moyea PPT to DVD Burner. Just make it under the "Logo" section of the main interface:
The options available in this section include logo adding/removing, alpha (also called "transparency") value, transparent color and relevant tolerance. You can add one or more logo files for the output DVD/video. Note that the Alpha and Enable Transparent Color options will appear gray unless you have selected the logo.
Drag the logo to place it elsewhere or its border to enlarge or diminish the size. You can also control the color and transparency of the logo with respective sliders on the right.
Once the PowerPoint presentation is burnt, the logo that applied to each slide automatically will be displayed as watermark on your output video/DVD.
OK. It's safer to post your unique video presentation onto a Web site, and easier to brand yourself or your company with a watermarked DVD slideshow.