What you should master to make a knocking e-learning PowerPoint presentation for easy distribution and flexible reuse
Affordable and accessible, e-Learning is seizing a large portion of learning activities both in schools and in corporations. And the rapid growth of Internet and multimedia technologies including PowerPoint, flash, video and DVD, contributes a great to e-Learning in making it available to a multitude of learners with ease and flexibility. Among the most popular e-Learning technologies, PowerPoint-based tools are taking great popularity in formal academic and industry education. Here we sum up 5 tips (herein as 5 Es as each begins with Letter E) that should be kept in mind when making an e-Learning PowerPoint presentation. The 5 necessaries for an E-Learning presentation are listed below:
1. Engaging
"Engaging" is to the content. Your e-Learning PowerPoint presentation must include engaging content capable of capturing the learners at the very first time. Avoid dulling your presentation by the so-called Death by PowerPoint, i.e. you should organize the whole story in a reasonable way - clear and brief rather than random and tedious. If it is a course presentation on Science, for example, you can use key phrases or words or graphics instead of complete long sentences to describe the topic, limit the number of slides to the most concise extent, put each title on the top of every slide for quick navigation, contrast different texts by a shift of colors, and apply animations and transitions sparingly to title messages (not to the text part) of the presentation.
A presentation with several dynamic effects can catch their eyes better than a plain one consisting only static pictures and texts, but too many effects will degrade it to a distraction. So think carefully before adding in a thrilling sound or movie clip to your e-Learning presentation.
2. Evocative
"Evocative" means that the messages in your e-Learning presentation can evoke a positive response when conveyed to the learners. What you convey is what they are right in need. To make that, you must take a survey to ensure the topic you are going to talk by the presentation makes sense, and must plan how to present it in a way that appeals to the learners.
Suggestions: rehearse the presentation until perfect before you deliver it. You can practice it in a rehearsal room as if the learners were there, or ask someone as audience to give you his/her advice.
3. Efficient
"Efficient" here is to the delivery of your e-Learning presentation. You made a wonderful learning item, but it failed to reach the target learners because they couldn't open the PowerPoint presentation. That is a lack of efficiency. As we know, files generated by PowerPoint are often too clumsy and fragile to carry via the Internet. To make it an easy access to the learners, you can upload the e-Learning presentation to the Web (an authorized website or your blog) for sharing online, or burn it to DVD as endurable disc handouts using software like Moyea PPT to DVD Burner.
Related: 6 Approaches to Putting PowerPoint on Web
4. Enjoyable
"Enjoyable" indicates the e-Learning experience by your presentation. E-Learning itself is a convenient and flexible learning method, self-paced and available almost 24x7, without boundary of time and space. E-learning stuff on a PowerPoint presentation, however, is not a nice layout for learning community on the Web. If you want an interactive impact of your e-Learning presentation, then why not convert it to one of the most popular media formats throughout the Internet - flash video? That is a good way to show a complete look of your presentation online, since a direct link of PowerPoint to the Web may fail to retain all the dynamic effects like embedded sounds, movie clips as well as animations and transitions. Tools that can help transfer your e-Learning presentation to flash video include Moyea PPT4Web Converter, capable of creating a PowerPoint-based FLV file supportable by Adobe Flash Player and many other flash players.
Then, it becomes a cinch for you to put and share the hitless e-Learning PPT video at a learning community, or your teaching blog. Your students and other target learners can enjoy it more by a free exchange of ideas as comments on the slick PowerPoint video.
5. Easy
"Easy" refers to two: the messages of your e-Learning presentation are easy to understand, while the content is easy to get. To put it straight, you should on the one hand compose the learning stuff, especially those with deep thoughts, in a simple manner that doesn't confuse a learner. On the other hand, make accessible copies of the presentation, via a CD-ROM, DVD, video or PDF, for later reuse by yourself and for the benefit of those involved who request a review of it.
For your convenience of reference:
To burn your e-Learning presentation to CD or DVD, see in the post How to Burn PowerPoint Presentation (PPT) to CD or DVD
To save your presentation to PDF, go to Export Office Applications to PDF
E-Learning, a green method of learning, does brings us great convenience and opportunity these years. Bear in your mind the 5 Es - Engaging, Evocative, Efficient, Enjoyable and Easy as mentioned above to make an successful e-Learning course based on presentation.