
Away from Swine Flu: Make a Health Presentation for Public

Human flu and bird flu are not foreign to us. Recently, we are experiencing a new epidemic - swine flu or swine influenza. According to the report from BBC, swine flu is a respiratory disease that caused by influenza type A which infects pigs. The disease has many types and the infection is constantly changing. Although it has not normally infected humans until now, the latest form clearly does, and can be spread from person to person - probably through coughing and sneezing. swine flu Infection control experts are trying to respond to the current cases of swine flu in US and Mexico. What can we ordinaries do to fight against the dangerous disease? There are many effective measures to take, e.g. keeping clean, being away from such patients or getting a treat if infected. Another good idea is to play as a messenger, telling the harm of the crazy swine flu to those who are not aware of it. Here are some suggestions of sending your kind message.

Click to download this swine flu PPT Number one, make a health video presentation and put it on the Web. If you are an enthusiast of public services, you can take the method. Compose the content of the swine flu with PowerPoint, a great tool to make your presentation professional looking. Remember to include concrete info on the disease, particularly on the danger and the measures. Then convert the health presentation to web-ready video with PowerPoint to Video Converter. That is because presentations in video are friendlier to a website than in PowerPoint itself. Finally, publish the health video to YouTube, MySpace, your blogs and podcasts. Number two, create a DVD slideshow of swine flu and display to your audience. It will apply well to families, schools and organizations, where exist a frequent exposure to public activities that may turn on a high risk to suffering swine flu. The little and the old, relatively weak in constitution, are more likely to suffer swine flu. Hence, it is very essential for those in charge of the above groups, e.g. parents, teachers and executives, to deliver an immediate presentation on the disease for prevention. Use PowerPoint to organize your idea on the epidemic, for instance, add graphics and pictures to illustrate what is swine flu, how dangerous it is, what we can do to stay safe, etc. To play the health presentation on TV or another computer, save it to a DVD disc using PowerPoint to DVD Burner. Such conversion is necessary as PowerPoint is not support by TV and your PowerPoint presentation may encounter a version problem on a different computer. Last, share the DVD health slideshow with your family, students, or colleagues. Swine flu itself is nothing to fear unless we have a complete control of it. We cannot control the disease before get a though idea of what it is. A health presentation is therefore worthy once we deliver it in time to whomever we love and care.

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Two Ways to Publish a PowerPoint Photo Album onto the Web

Source: PowerPoint Blog http://www.dvd-ppt-slideshow.com/blog/

There are two ways to publish your photo album in PowerPoint to the Web. See the details as following:

Method I Use the Save as Web Page in the PowerPoint

It is a straight way to make your photo album available to Web visitors. The method requires you to specify a Web server or other available computer when choosing a location for the file.

1. In the PowerPoint (default to 2003), open the photo album you want to publish to the Web.

2. On the File menu, select Save as Web Page.

3. Click Publish to enter the Publish as Web Page interface.

4. Under Publish what?, click Complete presentation.

publish as web

Then do any of the following:

o To set additional Web page formatting and display options, click Web Options, select the options you want, and then click OK.

o To optimize for a particular browser or browser version, under Browser support, select an option.

o To set the page title bar text for your Web page, under Publish a copy as, click Change, type the text in the Page title box, and then click OK.

5. Under Publish a copy as, click Browse, select a location from the folder list, type a name for the Web page in the File name box, select Web page in the Save as type box, and then click OK.

6. Last, click the Publish button.

Note: To immediately see how your photo album looks in your browser after you publish it to the Web, select the Open published Web page in browser check box in the Publish as Web Page dialog box.

Method II Make your photo album into web-ready video

It is a cool choice to do so especially when your photo album is of shining animations and background sounds. It is obvious that a simple Save as Web Page function is not enough to keep such subtlety of your presentation work. Now, you can choose this method as a workaround, i.e. to convert the photo album presentation to video slideshow for Web.
The conversion couldn't be easier with PowerPoint to Video converter. Add your photo album file into the software, set the output to .avi, .wmv, .flv or else, and click Start to convert to video photo slideshow.

PowerPoint to video convert PowerPoint photo album to web-ready video

Then you can upload and publish the video photo album onto the website as you like.

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Embed a flash video into PowerPoint & convert PPT presentation to FLV format

More often than not, PowerPoint users are confronted with these two problems - the failure in embedding an .flv file into a presentation, and the trouble of showing the PowerPoint content on YouTube or MySpace. Let's go through both the problems one by one.

Part I: Embed a flash video into PowerPoint presentation

Blind to FLV (Flash Video) files, however, MS PowerPoint shakes his natural disapproval of flash video embedding. For that reason, it is impossible to embed a flash video into a presentation unless converted to .mpeg, .avi, .wmv or else video format that PowerPoint can recognize.

To adjust your flash video to an appropriate format for PowerPoint, follow the four methods for four different cases as listed below:

Case 1 Flash video from YouTube or MySpace

If the flash video to insert into you PowerPoint presentation comes from YouTube or MySpace, then do the following:

First, copy the video URL on YouTube or MySpace to a notepad.

YouTube video URL

Second, go to http://vixy.net , a FREE online video conversion service. Paste the flash video URL into the URL field. Then select AVI, MOV or MP4 as the output format in the Converts to dropdown list.

vixy flv video conversion

Click the Start button to start converting. When the conversion completes, download the output video to your local drive.
OK, you can insert the video to a PowerPoint presentation. Simply go to PowerPoint -> Insert-> Movies and Sounds->Movies from File

Case 2 Flash video on your computer

If the selected flash video is one of your local favorites, then go to the site http://media-convert.com/convert/ and follow these steps:

1. Click Browse to pick from your local drive the FLV file to be converted.

media converter

2. Select a proper output format like WMV and click OK on the right to start processing.

3. After the conversion, download the output video back to your local computer.

Now it is a piece of cake to embed the converted "flash video" to your PowerPoint presentation. Similar to the insertion in Case 1.

Case 3 Fast and batch conversion of Flash videos

If over one FLV files are to use in a PowerPoint presentation, then you can take a standalone video converter to save time. Search one by Google or simply take this FREE FLV to Video Converter. Remember to try before you buy any of those video converters.

Part II: Convert PowerPoint presentation to FLV format

Now and then, you want to show a sparky presentation on YouTube or MySpace, or send it to a friend afar. It's a cinch with Moyea PowerPoint to FLV Converter. The reliable PowerPoint to flash video converter proves to be a great help in adjusting your presentation to web-ready FLV format.

Only in 3 clicks can it create a wonderful flash video out of your PPT file.

Step 1 Install and run Moyea PowerPoint to FLV Converter on your computer.
Step 2 Import a PowerPoint file you want to convert and set the output style as Flash Video.
Step 3 Click Start to begin converting to FLV.

For more details of converting with Moyea PPT to FLV Converter, refer to Tutorial of Converting PowerPoint to Flash Video

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Free PowerPoint Backgrounds Download

If you're looking for free PowerPoint Backgrounds, you came to the right place. We have a great collection of backgrounds, templates, and more inspirational free stuff to build stunning presentations. All themes design are free to download and includes 2 or more slides ready-to-use. Download, unzip and take full control over your PowerPoint presentations.

  • free PowerPoint background

  • free PowerPoint background

Free PowerPoint Backgrounds Download download free PowerPoint backgrounds: http://www.dvd-ppt-slideshow.com/powerpoint-background/

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PowerPoint to DVD: Ward off the Version Trouble of Your PowerPoint Presentation

It's all right to run and save your PowerPoint presentations on your own PC. It's better, however, to burn these presentations onto DVD discs with PowerPoint to DVD Burner to avoid the PowerPoint version problem.

Believe it or not, your PowerPoint presentation is for public use rather than personal fun at most of the time. You may make a presentation for classes, meetings, or sales promotion that is expected to be shown and shared elsewhere. As a result, it is required that no incompatibility exists between the PowerPoint version on the targeted computer and that on your source OS.

Before saving it on a USB stick as it is, you should therefore take concerns on PowerPoint delivery - the version problem. Not every computer is installed with the same version of PowerPoint as yours. For example, if your presentation is made of PowerPoint 2007, the more advanced version, how will you take it to display in full play in an older version such as 2003? More complex is the cross-platform problem. What would it be like if you are trying to connect your PowerPoint presentation from MS Windows to a different operating system like Macintosh? It is also what you should pay attention to when preparing a presentation.

The way to bridge the gap between two different PowerPoint versions may vary. One shortcut should be saving it on a portable DVD disc with PowerPoint to DVD burner. Note that the program only applies to Microsoft PowerPoint 2002/2003/2007, supported by the MS Windows OS.

The conversion software is born to bring easy access to your PowerPoint presentation anywhere by converting it to DVD or video format. All you need to do is to import your presentation into the software program, select an output format (Standard, HD DVD or Video) and leave the rest work to it alone.

An addition to the functionality is, the software is able to retain all the animations and wipes from the source PowerPoint. You will never worry about any loss of effect. You can also take advantage of the feature of custom DVD menus as you expect in the output setting.

Once burned to a DVD disc, your presentation will play nice on any computer regardless of different PowerPoint versions, including Macintosh versions. So will it do on a big-screen TV with a DVD player.

Except the mentioned PowerPoint to DVD solution, still there are some general tips that you can follow to view a PowerPoint presentation in different platforms:

1. Make it simple. You'd better apply PowerPoint's drawing tools to create shapes and drawings instead of using content from a third-party application.

2. Use industry-standard or less platform-specific media formats. Use MPEG videos and DRM-free MP3 sounds for inserting into your PowerPoint presentation.

3. Use standardized fonts applied to both Windows and Mac, including Arial, Times New Roman, Courier New, Verdana, Tahoma, Trebuchet MS, etc.

4. Avoid using PICT graphics on the Mac OS. For both platforms, GIF, PNG, and JPG graphic files work best. For illustrations, use WMF or EMF files.

5. Don't space your text too tightly. Font rendering differences may add an extra line to a text box on either Windows or Mac versions of PowerPoint.

6. Last but not least, keep in mind that some features don't work on either platform. Mac versions of PowerPoint (MS PowerPoint 2004/2008) still don't have motion path or trigger animations, although they can show you motion path animations in presentations created on Windows.


YouTube and PowerPoint: Embed YouTube video into PowerPoint & Put PowerPoint presentation onto YouTube

As one of the largest websites, YouTube is now the first place on the Internet to find various news videos and clips, and has proved to be a wonderful reservoir of valuable videos at this media-saturated era.

Have you ever thought of downloading a YouTube video to embed in your PowerPoint presentation, or uploading a PowerPoint-based video to YouTube for the world to share? I dare say most of you have. Here, I will give a two-way introduction to how to make an interactive use of YouTube and PowerPoint.

Section I

question-mark How to embed YouTube videos into the PowerPoint presentations?

An embedded video relevant to your subject is no doubt a great credit to your PowerPoint presentation, which not only makes you seem more professional but adds fun to capture the audience.

To get a YouTube video embedded in your PPT presentation, you can take either of these methods:

Method 1 Copy the Embed code of the YouTube video into PowerPoint presentation

It is the most straightforward among all the methods of putting a YouTube video into PowerPoint. Note that you should ensure that you have the latest Adobe Flash Player installed on your computer prior to this method.

Simply copy the Embed code of the YouTube video (as seen in "Embedded" field) that you want to use for your presentation and save it on a notepad.

In the PowerPoint file, go to the Developer ribbon and click the "More Controls…" icon.

more controls

In the prompt-up More Controls dialog, choose the option Shockwave Flash Object and click OK.

Shockwave Flash Object

Next, go to the slide with the Shockwave Flash Object box, and right click the cross-lined box to select the Properties option. Then copy the video embed code from the notepad and enter it into the Value column of the Movie item in the Properties interface. That's it!

For more details of this YouTube into PowerPoint method, refer to the very tip How to Play YouTube Video in PowerPoint Presentations

IMPORTANT: The URL insertion is subject to Internet connection. In another word, the embedded YouTube video would not play in your presentation should your computer be out of Web connection.

Method 2 Convert YouTube videos to compatible MPEG, AVI, MOV or WMV for PowerPoint

As YouTube videos are encoded in FLV, a format that is not accepted by MS PowerPoint, they must be converted to a PowerPoint-compatible format like MPEG, AVI, MOV or WMV prior to inserting.

In this method, what you need is something like a video converter to convert FLV to WMV or other PowerPoint supported video formats. You can find a sea of such software apps, e.g. YouTube downloader and Online FLV Converter, most of which are free. These software programs usually work similar in principle. First you have to download and install such a converter, then copy the YouTube video URL to the related field of the converter for download. After the video file is downloaded, use the converter again to select an appropriate video format that you want to convert to. Finally, save the converted video file to you local drive, and then embed the YouTube video into your PowerPoint presentation.

The method require a third-party medium, yet it is not bad a choice in case of the network trouble.

Section II

question-markHow to convert PowerPoint presentations to YouTube videos?

In Section I, we have mentioned how to embed a YouTube video into PowerPoint presentations. Now, we are to introduce the other side of the coin: how to convert a delicate PPT file to FLV (Flash Video) for showing on YouTube.

PowerPoint presentations including a rich collection of animations are also excellent source of a vivid video. To create a video out of PowerPoint is of less cost and of more fun than of a digital camera. Here follows two major ways of converting a PPT presentation to YouTube video.

(i) Free Windows Movie Maker

It is a free video creating program developed by Microsoft for Windows. To make a movie with the software, you have to first save your presentation as a pile of JEPG pictures, and then input the picture album to the movie maker. Although sounds are allowed to add in for a dynamic effect, there's an obvious fault in the free program - it is unable to retain the full animations from the original presentation.

(ii) Moyea PPT to Video Converter

This is a smart solution for converting PowerPoint presentations to any format of video, no except to the popular YouTube video. Most of all, it is able to preserve every subtlety of your PowerPoint presentation in the YouTube video, just at an affordable $49.95.

There are two tutorials on the PowerPoint to YouTube video converter. Click to have a look at:

video button Video Tutorial of Converting PowerPoint Presentation to YouTube Video

document icon Documental Tutorial of Converting PowerPoint Presentation to YouTube Video

After conversion, you will find it a cinch to watch and share your PowerPoint slideshow on YouTube.

Enjoy the amusement of flexible conversion between the magnificent PowerPoint slideshow and YouTube video.

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How to Recover a Corrupt PowerPoint File?

This article is excerpted from "Recovering a corrupt PowerPoint file" by Echo Swinford.

Supports MS PowerPoint 2000, 2002, 2003

You've worked hard on your presentation, but when you try to open it, you receive an error message, "PowerPoint cannot open the type of file represented by filename.ppt". This is the classic sign of a corrupt presentation, but don't panic yet - you may be able to get at least some of the file back.

Is it a password-protected file?

Before you determine that your file is indeed corrupt, first find out if a password was added to it in PowerPoint 2002 (also known as PowerPoint XP) or PowerPoint 2003. If the file does have a password and you are trying to open it by using a previous version of PowerPoint, you will receive this error. Ask the person who created the file to resave it without the password, or use the PowerPoint 2003 Viewer to view the presentation.

Was the file sent to you as an e-mail attachment?

If you received the file as an e-mail attachment, it may have become corrupted as it traveled through cyberspace. Ask the sender to zip the file by using Microsoft Windows® XP's built-in zip function or a program such as WinZip, and then resend. Or have them upload the file to a File Transfer Protocol (FTP) site, if you have one available.

Are you using PowerPoint 2003 to open a presentation created in a previous version of PowerPoint?

If you are using PowerPoint 2003 and have problems opening files created in previous versions of PowerPoint, click Check for Updates on the Help menu, and then install the Critical Update for PowerPoint 2003. If you want to know why you need this Critical Update, see this Office 2003 Critical Update overview

Nope, the file is really corrupt

If your file is truly corrupt, there are a number of things you can try to recover it.
• Use Slides from Files on the Insert menu.
• Locate a TMP file.
• Open the presentation in Microsoft Office Word.
• Move the file to a different place.
• Open the file in a different way.
• Use Safe Mode.
• Use Damaged Presentations Troubleshooters.
• Try a third-party recovery tool.

Use Slides from Files on the Insert menu

Sometimes you can recover some or all of a corrupt presentation by clicking Slides from Files on the Insert menu. Use the following steps:
1. Open a new blank presentation.
2. On the Insert menu, click Slides from Files.
3. In the Slide Finder dialog box, browse to your corrupt file.
4. Click Insert All.

If clicking Insert All doesn't work, try clicking Insert to insert individual slides.

Note If your corrupt slides do insert, they will take on the blank presentation formatting. You can apply the original design template to correct this. You can experiment by selecting the Keep source formatting check box in the Slide Finder dialog box if you want. The real goal, though, is to get your information back. You can reformat it if necessary.

Locate a TMP file

Occasionally when you lose your file, there will be a TMP file available. This usually only happens when you lose the file while saving, or if you were working on it when PowerPoint or Windows crashed. Nevertheless, it's worth checking.
1. Right-click the Windows Start button, and then click Search.
2. In the All or part of the file name box, type *.TMP.
3. In the Look in list, click either Local Hard Drives, or even My Computer.
4. Click Search.
5. After Windows finds your TMP files, click the Date Modified button at the top of the Search Results pane. You might have to scroll to the right to see this button.
6. Look for a TMP file created around the time that you lost your PowerPoint file. Note the folder it's in.
7. Open PowerPoint, and then click Open on the File menu.
8. Click the arrow next to the Files of Type box at the bottom of that dialog box, and then click All Files.
9. Navigate to the folder where the TMP file is located.
10. Click the TMP file, and then click Open.

Open the presentation in Word

You may be able to recover at least part of your text this way.
1. Open Word.
2. On the File menu, click Open.
3. In the Open dialog box, click the arrow next to the Files of Type box at the bottom of that dialog box, and then click Recover Text From Any File.
4. Navigate to your corrupt file, select it, and then click Open.

Don't forget to reset your Files of Type option in the Open dialog box back to All Word Documents after you finish, or you may see strange things happen when you subsequently open Word documents. If you are able to recover your text in Word, you can move the text back into PowerPoint by clicking File, pointing to Send To, and then clicking Microsoft Office PowerPoint.

Spend some time with the styles in Word so that the text ends up where you want it in PowerPoint. All text formatted Heading 1 will become slide Title text in PowerPoint. Heading 2 style will become primary bulleted text. Heading 3 will become secondary bulleted text.

Move the file to a different place

• If you're trying to open the file from removable media (a floppy disk, a Zip or Jaz drive, a USB drive, a CD-ROM, a network server, or a shared drive), try copying the presentation to your hard drive, and then try to open it.
• Try copying the file to a different computer's hard drive, and then try to open it there.
• Try copying the file to a different drive on your computer (for instance, if it's on the C drive, copy it to the G drive), and then open it from there.

Open the file in a different way

There are a few things to try here. I personally haven't had much luck recovering a truly corrupt file by opening it in a different manner, but it doesn't hurt to try.
1. Click Open on the File menu in PowerPoint.
2. Double-click the PowerPoint file in Windows Explorer.
3. Drag the corrupt file to the PowerPoint program file (POWERPNT.exe).
4. Open the file by using one of the PowerPoint Viewers. (Of course, this won't help much if you need to do more than view the presentation. You should be able to at least print it from the Viewer, though.)

PowerPoint 2003 Viewer
PowerPoint 97 Viewer

Use Safe Mode

Try opening PowerPoint in Safe Mode and see if that enables you to open the file.
1. In Windows, click Start, click Run, and then type C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\Powerpnt.exe" /safe in the Open box.
2. Insert the appropriate path for your version of PowerPoint.

Try opening Windows in Safe Mode.
1. Click Start, click either Turn Off Computer or Shut Down, and then choose Restart.
2. When your computer restarts, press and hold down the appropriate "F" function key to restart in Safe Mode. F8 is often the key to use.
3. Open PowerPoint, and then try to open your presentation.

These techniques are the least likely to work, but they're worth trying. Usually if a presentation opens when in PowerPoint or Windows Safe Mode, it's because of a conflict with a driver or an add-in. You may also want to run a ScanDisk and use the Error-checking options on its Tools menu.

Try a third-party recovery tool

Because other products do not include all of PowerPoint's functionality, or might not support elements of that functionality in their import utilities, you can sometimes use them to open files that PowerPoint identifies as corrupt.

Although you probably won't recover everything in your presentation, if you don't have any luck using any of the previous methods, you might want to consider a third-party recovery tool.

For a detailed discussion of third-party recovery tools, see the full text of this article on EchosVoice.

Editor's Review:
Echo gives a detailed description of how to recover a corrupt PowerPoint file. Very helpful. But if only you have had a backup copy of your presentation, saving it on a USB stick or in protective DVD format (just with a reliable PowerPoint to DVD converter, a considerate solution to clone your PowerPoint presentation onto DVD discfor delivery and protection), such a corrupt issue would never come to bother you.

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Get images and sounds from PowerPoint for reuse

When you get a PowerPoint presentation embedded with nice images and sounds, you may want to extract those delicacies for separate reuse elsewhere, e.g. in another presentation, in your blog or podcast, etc.

Then how do you extract the sounds and images from a targeted PowerPoint presentation?

Follow these steps:

♦ Go to your PPT presentation, select File -> Save As -> Other Formats.

♦ In the prompt Save As dialog, choose "Web Page (*.htm, *.html)" from the "Save as type:" drop-down list.

save powerpoint as html

♦ Specify a folder to save in and rename the file.

♦ Finally, click the Save button.

Go to that folder, and you'll find a single HTML file with the specified name along with a new folder labeled the same name plus "_files". For example, if the file name is "happy hut. htm", the folder name should appear as "happy hut_files".

Open the new folder of a bunch of files, and you can pick out the sounds and original image files of your PPT presentation.

In addition, it is also possible to save and publish the whole presentation of images and sounds onto Web or mobile devices. What you need is to convert your PowerPoint presentation to video, a format that is portable and web-friendly, just using the smart PowerPoint to Video Converter.

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Present Easter Stories for Children

Generally, Easter stories for children are divided into two main types - Religious Easter and Fun Easter. Religious Easter stories have a Christian nature to remind the kids of Jesus' love while Fun Easter stories involve pleasant images like chubby chicks, Easter eggs and lovely bunny, all that about hope, faith, rebirth and renewal.

Here lists some short stories that are picked for children teaching:

Religious EasterTop 5 Religious Christian Easter Stories
1. A Lesson of Faith
by Mrs. Alfred Gatty

2. A Child’s Dream of a Star
by Charles Dickens

3. An Evening With the Angels
Author Unknown

4. Glories
by Ellen Robena Field

5. King Robert of Sicily
by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Easter funPopular Fun Easter Short Stories for Kids

1. The Easter Story
by Annie Willis McCullough

2. Molly’s Easter Hen
by Annie Willis McCullough

3. The Song of the Spring
by Annie Willis McCullough

4. The Tale of Peter Rabbit
by Beatrix Potter from The Original Peter Rabbit Books

5. The Tale of Benjamin Bunny
by Beatrix Potter from The Original Peter Rabbit Books

After story pick, you should be aware of the teaching method – you cannot expect the Easter story to make any sense unless you tell it in an easy-to-get way. Here let’s come to the next step

How to tell those Easter stories in a simple manner?

You needn’t to worry about that thanks to the great authoring tool PowerPoint. As is known, little children are more likely to be attracted by animated images than plain texts. So edit your Easter story in PowerPoint where you can add Easter pictures and songs, and employ various animations to achieve effects.
For free Easter PowerPoint templates, refer to this Download Free EasterPowerPoint Templates

OK. A vivid Easter presentation is made, now you can take it to your class and show to your kids. To avoid the compatibility problem of different computers and the delivery difficulty, however, we kindly suggest you make a DVD or video copy of the Easter story. This can be quickly done with the professional PowerPoint to DVD and PowerPoint to video conversion software PowerPoint to DVD Burner


Easy Way to Make a PowerPoint Movie

Merry Cartoon Times

Movie simply refers to a moving picture or picture show. And PowerPoint movies are animated shows or cartoons that contain narrations, sounds and dynamic video clips. The PowerPoint-produced movies can be wonderful in stuff as those done with Macromedia Flash.

But what if you want an easy and complete TV, web or iPod access of a PowerPoint movie? As it doesn’t seem to be a real movie that performs professional on big TV or theatre screen, it may be troublesome for you to connect the movie in PPT to those devices unless you turn it into more compatible formats – DVD and video. Of course, you can take the quick and smart assistant, PowerPoint to DVD and Video converter. With this PowerPoint to DVD and PowerPoint to video converter, all the animations that you have customized with PowerPoint can be precisely preserved in the output video movie.

One of the easiest ways in making a cross-platform PowerPoint movie is the cooperated use of PowerPoint animations and PowerPoint to DVD and Video software. First use a great series of animations to compose your movie elements, and then save to more extensive video for wider share using the reliable conversion software.

Step 1 Compose the animation effects of your movie in PowerPoint

You can download and reuse animations from PowerPoint Heaven, an inspirable place to learn the tricks of the trade in PPT movie. Refer to the detailed tutorials of animation creation at PowerPoint Heaven

Consider the use of the following effects:

Entrance effects: Appear, Fly, Blinds, Box, Checkerboard, Crawl, Dissolve, Flash Once, Peek, Random Bars, Spiral, Split, Stretch, Strips, Swivel, Wipe, Zoom, Random Effects, etc

Emphasis effects: Change Fill Color, Change Font, Change Font Color, Change Font Size, Change Font Style, Change Line Color, Grow/Shrink, Spin, Transparency, etc

Exit effects: Blinds, Box, Checkerboard, Circle, Crawl Out, Diamond, Disappear, Dissolve Out, Flash Once, Fly Out, Peek Out, Plus, Random Bars, Random Effects, Split, Strips, Wedge, Wheel, Wipe, etc

Motion Paths: 8 Point Star, Circle, Crescent moon, Diamond, Equal Triangle, Football, Heart, Hexagon, Octagon, Parallelogram, Pentagon, Right Triangle, Square, Teardrop, Trapezoid, etc

Animation Trigger

Besides, record your voice as narration or insert a sound or video clip to make your presentation more vigorous.

Step 2 Create DVD or video movie using PowerPoint to DVD and Video converter

Install the PowerPoint to DVD and video software and import your PowerPoint file. If you want a DVD copy of the PowerPoint movie, select HD or Standard DVD as the output format; and if you prefer watching the movie on the Web or your iPod, set the output option as video.

Next, make custom settings for your output movie or click the Start button to begin converting from PowerPoint to DVD or video movie.

Now you've got a DVD or video movie that seems more professional, while well animated as in PowerPoint. To deliver it or to save it, it is all that OK.

For more conversion details of PowerPoint presentation to DVD and video, please see at Tutorials of PowerPoint to DVD and video


Distribute Getable Easter Presentations

Easter recalls everyone of his energy for a sunny spring. Different groups celebrate the Easter season in different ways. An addition to the great Easter activities is making getable Easter presentations with PowerPoint to DVD Burner, a versatile conversion tool that is capable of converting your Easter PowerPoint presentation to DVD and video.

Funny DVD Photo Album

To little kids, Easter means all such delicacies as bunny cakes, dyeing eggs, roasted lambs and decorated cookies as well as exciting Easter parties.
You can pick these merry moments on Easter with your camera, and edit them in MS PowerPoint (for example, to add animations, sound, or notes for an illustrative photo album). To avoid piracy of your Easter PowerPoint photo album, you can save it in form of DVD movie using the mentioned PowerPoint to DVD Burner. When converting with the software, you are also allowed to add a watermark onto output DVD for making a difference. The photo album in DVD makes it possible to share the Easter funny moments on TV, and to distribute to more people, even the great grandmothers who don’t know how to use a computer.

Holy Sermon Video Slideshow

To all Christians, Easter is a celebration of Christ, all about the death and resurrection of Jesus who was dead was now alive, like Palm Sunday, holy cross and sermons for Easter Sunday. For this traditional festival, you can still celebrate it with a modern flavor. Sermons for Easter Sunday can be made from PowerPoint including Easter elements along with your own narrations. Then transfer the Easter sermons into any popular video using PowerPoint to DVD Burner. Upload the Easter video sermon onto YouTube or your Home Page for more traffic.

Compared with a traditional paper sermon, video sermons are superior in delivering your holy ideas far and wide and saving as live for reuse in future.

Encourage your congregation to invite friends, family and neighbors during the Easter season and share all your imaginative Easter presentation works online or on TV.


Easter Idea: Easter Video & DVD & Free Templates

Spring is always a sweet time, with its soft breeze, singing sprouts and blossoms inviting you and me to embrace the wakening nature. And the coming Easter must be one of the most amazing in the season of revival.

Colored Easter Eggs

Easter 2009 is expected to be exciting and everlasting. Color eggs, cute rabits, and laughter of kids conjure up a feastive picture of the carefree Easter. All that is good deserves a keep. Here lists an Easten idea:

Capture funny photos
Observe with a sharp eye. Camera pleasant moments of your family. Each photo will tell a story of your Easter 2009.

Collect into PowerPoint
A pile of separate photos are neither satisfying for digital share or collection. So it is better to sort your Easter photos into a stream slideshow with MS PowerPoint. You can also enhance the photo album by adding an illustrative note or a euphonious sound.

Memorize on DVD
DVD photo show is a nice alternative to PowerPoint album when you want to deliver to someone afar or to share on a TV screen. The Easter memories on DVD could be safe and permanent as you expect. To create a DVD photo book from PowerPoint album, just pick a conversion product like PowerPoint to DVD Burner.

Share it online
If you would like to show the precious photo kit on Internet, turn it into video with PowerPoint to Video Converter. You can contribute the Easter slideshow to your blogs and many video hosting sites (e.g. YouTube) for a great popularity.

That's a nice Easter experience! Above all, Moyea Software has prepared a host of Easter templates as gift for all PowerPoint users to celebrate this holy occasion. Free available at http://www.dvd-ppt-slideshow.com/powerpoint-templates/easter-powerpoint-templates.html

We wish you a Happy Easter!


Gifts and Free PowerPoint Templates on April Fool's Day

Choose appropriate gifts for your friends and relatives that are sure to entertain them or stun them on the day for fools. Popular choice for book worms may include books on tricks and pranks, hilarious and funny jokes, books on optical and other illusions, the impossibilities and eternal puzzles of science, practical joke books and some easy experiments that create shocking effects are some good options. The other books may include silly and foolish ideas and anecdotes. Cooks and chefs will love the books of unusual and weird recipes that are not so uncommon, including preparations from different regions of the world. You may also gift them the books on the origins of the popular recipes that are interesting to read.

Gag gifts are of course the first choice on April Fool's Day and you will find plenty of ideas from the websites marketing pranks, fake currencies, fake receipts and parking tickets, practical jokes and gag gifts.

Some popular choices include fart machines, mysterious videos, stink bombs, various bumper stickers, fake bullet holes and cracked glass tattoos. Fake lottery tickets, fake skeletons and blood are also popular while many love the pen that gives a mild electric shock. Almost everything is available online these days including boinks, inflatable dolls and animals, extra large diapers, dead roses and fishes, silly putty, finger cuffs, Groucho Marx glasses with a big nose and mustache, crackers & poppers, funny tattoos and whoopee cushions. So go for it and make a mark that everyone will always remember and cherish.

I wish everyone a happy happy Fool's Day!

Free Fool's Day PowerPoint Templates

3 methods to view PowerPoint on TV

Microsoft PowerPoint is popular with most of us. So is TV. When you make an astonishing PPT presentation and would like to share with your family and friends around, you can put the PowerPoint on TV to make a visual feast. The PowerPoint TV show also gives your audience a more comfortable feel of your self-made present. Then How to view PowerPoint on TV?

Here we will discuss three main methods of watching PowerPoint on TV.

Method 1 Show PowerPoint on TV with a DVD player

It is recommended if you have got a DVD player. Burn your PowerPoint to DVD, and view the slideshow on TV with a DVD remote controller. This way does you good in distribution, for you can send a DVD copy to a friend regardless of whether he has got a PC or PowerPoint, nor the version and operation system of his computer. It also protects your PowerPoint from malicious modification.

Let's see how to burn PowerPoint to DVD using PowerPoint to DVD Burner Pro, a versatile tool featuring customized DVD menus and fast precise conversion.
First, you should launch the Program and input a PPT file you would like to convert.
Second, Click the Options tab in the menu bar and select Standard or HD DVD as the output.

In the Norm checkbox: select either NTSC or PAL/SECAM (TV standards) that is used in your country. As to the Folder field, please make sure that the two locations are NOT specified the same, for all the files located in working folder will be removed automatically when the process completes.

Next, you can either continue the conversion by the default parameters with PPT to DVD Burner, or make advanced settings as necessary.

Then you can do with Menu settings. A flexible function designed to spark your brilliance!

After you have set all, click the Start button to start converting PowerPoint to DVD. You will find the output DVD file preserves every dynamic effect in your source PowerPoint.

Method 2 View PowerPoint on TV via Apple TV

To watch HD slide show on a home TV, you can also employ the power of Apple TV. All you need are two steps. First, convert PowerPoint to Apple TV video (usu. in MP4 format). Please refer to PowerPoint to Apple TV for more details. Next, put the converted video to iTunes and sync it with Apple TV. The Apple TV will automatically record the video on your computer and make it available on TV. That is, you can watch perfect PowerPoint presentation on your HD TV.

Method 3 Connect your TV directly to PC

Connect your TV directly to a computer, and control your PowerPoint presentation by computer. The result won't be that satisfying. The reason is that the monitor technology of a computer differs from that of a TV, which may produce thin lines and text shimmer. It may cause stuff loss of the original PowerPoint presentation. Thus you cannot view a full presentation with this method.

Comparing the above three, we can obviously observe that Method 1 and 2 are superior to the third method in keeping the entire PowerPoint onto TV with excellent effects. Besides, the first two methods will save your time a lot as you don't need to bother yourself with technical troubles that may occur when using the third method.