
Convert PowerPoint to Flash Video (FLV), Easier than You Can Think

PowerPoint, the predominant desktop app to create illustrated document in offices. Flash Video, the beloved of the Web to spread animated document out of office. Many companies and none-profit institutions do appeal to both PowerPoint and flash videos. To make further reach to a presentation, you may consider converting the PowerPoint to flash video (.flv).

Don't have an idea of flash video?

Here's a brief introduction.
Flash video, short for FLV, is a media file format used to deliver video over the Internet using Adobe Flash Player version 6-10. Flash Video content may also be embedded within SWF files, within which the audio and video data are encoded in the same way. Flash video is viewable on most operating systems, via the widely available Adobe Flash Player and many other third-party players like MPlayer, VLC media player, QuickTime and Moyea Web Player. With small size, flash video has established its name as the choice format for embedded video on the web. It is used by web services like YouTube, Google Video, Yahoo! Video, metacafe.

What Can You Benefit from converting PowerPoint to Flash Video?

1 1. Be friendlier to your audience. There are much more computers installed with a flash player than a PowerPoint program compatible with yours. That is, your audience will get a quick access to your presentation masterpiece in Flash Video. And, a flash video online is more intuitive than a PowerPoint presentation to download.
2 2. Smaller size makes more sense. A PowerPoint file turned in flash video is much smaller than its original size. A credit to fast web distribution. To insert a presentation to your blog, a web video service like YouTube, you'd better reformat it to such swift FLV file.
3 3. Hassle free from PowerPoint emailing. Many users suffered from emailing a clumsy PowerPoint file to a client or a friend. With the presentation in small flash video via an online web service, they don't have to email it while the viewers won't bother to wait and download.
4 4. Safeguard your presentation work. A PowerPoint file is liable to being stolen by unwanted hands, e.g. your rival companies, with minor modification. When you finalize it in flash video, one cannot edit it with ease. Your content will be safer during web distribution.

What Tool You Need to Convert a PowerPoint presentation to FLV?

When Google or Bing, you may be dazzled by a cluster of programs that claimed to convert PowerPoint to flash video. If you are not to bother to a fussy trial of each program, you can trust me with this dedicated PowerPoint to FLV converter - Moyea PPT4Web Converter. It is one of the pioneer programs that shows proven performance in converting a PowerPoint presentation to flash video without any loss of original effects.

Before the conversion, check your presentation carefully, for instance, the text fonts, the slide transitions, animations, inserted sound or movie clips, until satisfying.

Below comes a short guide of converting PowerPoint to FLV with Moyea PPT4Web.
Step step 1 Install and launch Moyea PPT4Web Converter. Import the PowerPoint file(s) you want to convert to flash video.
Step step 2 Select the output as FLV or any other flash player supported file formats (MP4, MOV, 3G2, 3GP). Customize each output parameter if necessary. You can also follow the Web Player icon link to get a flash player if there isn't one on your local drive.
Step step 3 Click Start to start converting your PowerPoint presentation to Flash Video.

Very simple, isn't it? In a minute or two, you will get a flash video out of your PPT file. Now, it is a snap for you to upload the flash video slideshow on the Web, distribute anywhere possible to reach more audience.

You may also need to
Embed Flash video (FLV) into PowerPoint

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